TITLE: Development of a catalyst for conversion of syngas-derived materials to isobutylene. Technical progress report No. 4, January 1, 1992--March 30, 1992. AUTHOR: G. J. Gajda. INST. AUTHOR: UOP, Inc., Des Plaines, IL. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 10 Sep 93, 17p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE94004537INW ABSTRACT: The main goal of this contract is to develop a catalyst and technology that will produce iC(sub 4=) directly from coal-derived syngas and that is capable of using a lower H(sub 2)/CO ratio (0.5 to 1.0). The research will identify and optimize the key catalyst and process characteristics that give improved performance for CO conversion by a non-Fischer-Tropsch process. This report, which is the Technical Progress Report No. 4 for contract DE-AC22-91PC90042, covers the testing of various ZrO(sub 2)-based catalyst systems designed to examine the effects of catalyst preparation and process variables, especially the H(sub 2)/CO ratio. Testing of sol-gel ZrO(sub 2) catalysts with 1 or 2% cesium (Cs) addition indicates decreased stability at a H(sub 2):CO ratio of 0.5. The addition of cobalt (Co) or copper (Cu) to the base ZrO(sub 2) catalyst results in a small activity gain, but a selectivity loss. This gain in Cu catalyst activity is mostly due to increased methane production. The Co catalyst shifts selectivity toward saturated products. The addition of water to the feed stream had a beneficial effect on stability. The addition of a basic clay had no effect on the activity or selectivity. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/90042-T6 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-91PC90042 |