TITLE: Untersuchung ueber die Einsatzmoeglichkeiten gekuehlter Gas/Feststoff-Druckwirbelschichten, insbesondere der COMFLUX-Technik fuer chemische Prozesse. Abschlussbericht. (Investigation concerning the application of cooled gas/solid pressurized fluidized beds, in particular the COMFLUX-technique for chemical processes. Final report)

AUTHOR: G. Friedrichs;   G. Wismann.

INST.  AUTHOR: Thyssen A.G., Duisburg (Germany, F.R.).

SPONSOR: Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.).


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic

SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ],  31 Aug 86,  135p.



Thyssengas developed the COMFLUX-process for the methanation of CO-rich gases under high pressure up to the pilot stage. In principal, the methanation reactor is suitable for highly exothermic, heterogeneous catalytic gas/solid reactions. In the frame of a study gas/solid processes were examined, if technical-economical advantages might be the result of the COMFLUX-technique. Autothermic gasification and burning processes of any kind are to be eliminated for various reasons. There are indications that the COMFLUX-process offers interesting alternatives to the chemical processes such as 1) (modified) Fischer-Tropsch-Synthesis, 2) Methanol Synthesis, 3) MTG-process, 4) raw gas shift conversion, 5) cyclohexane production, 6) ethanol synthesis. The methanol synthesis by means of COMFLUX-technique was investigated in detail. Advantages over the state of art can be marked. However, under the present circumstances on the energy market these advantages obviously do not offer a significant incentive to launch further development on large scale. (orig.). (Copyright (c) 1988 by FIZ. Citation no. 88:082676.)