TITLE: Isobutanol aus Synthesegas - Oktanzahlverbesserer der Zukunft. (Isobutanol from synthesis gas. The octane value improving agent of the future. ) AUTHOR: W. Falter. INST. AUTHOR: Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany, F.R.). Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultaet. LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], 17 May 88, 221p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/A89-82650INW NOTES: Diss. (Dr.rer.nat). In German, ABSTRACT: The direct single-stage synthesis of alcohol mixtures with a high content of iso-butanol from synthesis gas, which was already carried out by the BASF in the 30s, was optimized by new catalyst systems with regard to activity and selectivity of the 1-butanol target component. About 200 new catalysts were produced and tested in a continuous high-pressure apparatus. The reaction took place in integral tube reactors of different size. Kinetic measurements were carried out in a recycle gas reactor. The on-line analysis of the reaction products by means of 4 GC columns was made possible by a two-stage expansion of the reaction gases. The total error by this analysis is < 15% according to the calculation of several carbon balances. With zirconium-zinc-manganese-alkali-palladium catalysts, which were optimized with regard to their composition and production, it was possible to achieve iso-BuOH selectivities of more than 50%, activities of nearly 750 g of iso-BuOH 1 (-1) h (-1) and iso-butanol proportions in the liquid phase of about 60n percent by weight. (orig./EF). (Copyright (c) 1989 by FIZ. Citation no. 89:082650.) |