TITLE: Assessment of Trace Contaminants from a Model Indirect Liquefaction Facility. Volume III. Ecological Hazards of Lurgi/Fischer-Tropsch Coal Liquefaction. AUTHOR: G. K. Eddlemon. INST. AUTHOR: Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jan 82, 94p. ABSTRACT: Process waste streams generated by a commercial-scale indirect liquefaction facility employing Lurgi/Fischer-Tropsch technology may affect surrounding aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. In this assessment of ecological risks, facility streams that have a reasonable possibility of directly or indirectly entering the environment are identified. For each of these process streams, inorganic and organic contaminants most likely to occur are identified, and their expected concentrations following appropriate dilution in the ambient environment are calculated. These concentrations are compared with various toxicologic and environmental benchmarks. Results indicate that gasifier and utility ash and associated leachates should generate no serious, insurmountable ecological problems, although several trace elements and ammonia may pose problems. Effluent from the wastewater treatment unit is likely to contain toxic trace elements and organic compounds at concentrations which could pose a significant threat to aquatic ecosystems, and man though food chain contamination. Sludge from biological treatment of process wastewaters is likely to contain concentrations of trace elements and biorefractory compounds that would pose a hazard to aquatic ecosystems if the sludge is not disposed of properly. Cooling tower drift and evaporative releases appear to be the greatest atmosperic threat to local terresterial ecosystems due to the significant quantities of organic and inorganic contaminants released. Utility stack gases may pose significant regional ecological hazards due to release of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and trace metals, particularly mercury. Final conclusions regarding ecological hazards posed by indirect liquefaction facilities cannot be made until a great deal more information regarding all aspects of ecological impacts become available. 57 references, 41 tables. (ERA citation 09:035093) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/EV/10291-T2-V.3 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC01-79EV10291; AC05-84OR21400 |