TITLE: Catalyst and Reactor Development for a Liquid-Phase Fischer-Tropsch Process. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, 1 July 1982-30 September 1982. AUTHOR: P. N. Dyer; R. Pierantozzi; B. W. Brian; J. V. Bauer; R. L. Parsons. INST. AUTHOR: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Nov 82, 36p. NTIS REPORT NO: DE83005595INW ABSTRACT: Two major tasks were current in the eighth quarter: (1) Slurry Catalyst Development; and (2) Slurry Reactor Design Studies. Parametric gas phase screening of supported conventional catalysts continued, enabling the optimum for diesel range product to be chosen for slurry testing. Seven supported molecular clusters were tested in the slurry phase. One gave results similar to a previous screening test; a high 1-alkene content and small Schulz-Flory deviations in the C sub 10 + range, but with a cut off at approx. C sub 28 . The slurry test of another cluster catalyst showed a high bulk activity, with conversion levels four times higher than the baseline catalyst, and deviations from the Schulz-Flory limitation that increased with time. Up to 55.1 wt % C sub 10 -C sub 20 was produced with a low 5.7 wt % CH sub 4 yield. The results demonstrate potential for a good diesel fuel catalyst. Shakedown runs and initial gas holdup determinations were completed for the 12'' column, and a statistical experimental design was produced to maximize the information gained from this program. The use of a hot-film anemometer probe to measure bubble diameter in the three phase systems was successfully demonstrated, and programing to interpret the data was begun. Viscosity measurements for hydrocarbon slurries showed non-Newtonian behavior, and are expected to result in a significant correlation parameter. 10 figures, 4 tables. (ERA citation 08:019933) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/30021-T11 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-80PC30021 |