TITLE: CO + H Sub 2 Reaction over Nitrogen-Modified Iron Catalysts. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, April 1, 1983-June 30, 1983. AUTHOR: W. N. Delgass. INST. AUTHOR: Purdue Univ., Lafayette, IN. School of Chemical Engineering. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1983, 29p. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to examine the effects of nitrogen, as nitride and as a gas-phase reactant, on hydrocarbon synthesis reactions over iron catalysts. This is the third quarterly period of a three-year program. Procedures for preparing the pure gamma '-Fe sub 4 N and zeta-Fe sub 2 N bulk phases have been refined and these phases have been confirmed by Moessbauer spectroscopy. After four hours of Fischer-Tropsch reaction with a 3/1 mixture of H sub 2 /CO at 523 K both unsupported nitrides form new phases, presumably carbonitrides, retaining little of the original nitride structure. A pure gamma ' - Fe sub 4 N was prepared from a highly dispersed iron on carbolac. Moessbauer spectrum of this sample after reaction showed considerable retention of the nitride phase. The stability of this catalyst was further reflected in a steady reactivity and selectivity during synthesis, in contrast to the gradual activity loss over the unsupported catalysts. Kinetic measurements suggest a hydrogen deficient surface during the first minutes of exposure to synthesis gas. These preliminary studies identify the short time behavior of the catalysts as worthy of more thorough study by transient methods. 6 figures, 1 table. (ERA citation 08:048771) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/50804-3 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-82PC50804 |