TITLE: Circulation in Gas-Slurry Column Reactors: Third Quarterly Report Ending June 30, 1988. AUTHOR: N. Clark; J. Kuhlman; I. Celik. INST. AUTHOR: West Virginia Univ., Morgantown. Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1988, 36p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE89002268/INW ABSTRACT: This is the third quarterly report on experimental and theoretical research into the hydrodynamics of bubble columns. To date an experimental column has been constructed and some preliminary measurements have been made of bubble phenomena using both resistance and suction probes. This suction probe has been shown to underestimate void fraction only slightly operating curves (void fraction versus gas superficial velocity) have also been obtained for the column at three different operating heights. An analysis of bubble size prediction from probe signals has been completed, numerical modeling has commenced and expertise has been acquired with a laser doppler velocimeter to measure local velocities in the column. Recent research has related the drift-flux model to bubble holdup in bubble columns. 23 refs., 17 figs. (ERA citation 14:005922) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/79935-5 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-87PC79935 |