TITLE: Liquid-Phase-Methanol Process-Development Unit: Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Technical Progress Report No. 5, 1 October 1982-31 December 1982. INST. AUTHOR: Chem Systems, Inc., Tarrytown, NY. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 20 Jan 83, 345p. ABSTRACT: This report covers the fifth period of Contract performance. The overall objective of this program is to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the Liquid Phase Methanol (LPMeOH) process at theProcess Development Unit (PDU) scale of operation. Revision 2 of the LaPorte LPMeOH Process Development Unit (PDU) Engineering Flowsheet was released, incorporating advances made in the engineering design. The APCI Hazards Review team continued assessing risks associated with various process systems, particularly the reactor slurry loop. Process specifications were issued for an iron carbonyl removal system on the basis of a survey of industrial experience and literature related to the subject. The design for a flare system was developed APCI prepared an outline of catalyst reduction procedures, and data was accumulated on properties of circulating oils and slurry. A literature search was completed by CSI for the major topics of interest to the program. In CSI's laboratory, successful testing of in-situ catalyst reduction procedures continued in the CSI Stirred Autoclave Reactors, and two additional commercial catalysts were screened. The Laboratory PDU modifications continue on schedule. Further anlaysis of the 540-hour liquid-fluidized run in the CSI Laboratory PDU was completed. To assist in fundamantal modeling studies, an experimental program to generate bed expansion and gas holdup data in the CSI liquid-fluidized PDU reactor was completed. APCI reviewed chemical equilibrium correlations for the methanol synthesis reaction verified the validity of literature correlations at LPMeOH reaction conditions. The APCI backflow cell reactor computer model, to aid in scale-up of reactor design, was completed and the Continuous stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) analysis and simulation program was used for determination of kinetics for the LPMeOH process. (ERA citation 08:019947) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/30019-T4 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-81PC30019 |