TITLE: Synthesis Gas Solubility in Fischer-Tropsch Slurry: Final Report. AUTHOR: K. C. Chao; H. M. Lin. INST. AUTHOR: Purdue Univ., Lafayette, IN. School of Chemical Engineering. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1988, 152p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE88006851/INW ABSTRACT: The objective is to investigate the phase equilibrium behavior of synthesis gases and products in a Fischer-Tropsch slurry reactor. A semi-flow apparatus has been designed and constructed for this purpose. Measurements have been made for hydrogen, cabon monoxide, methane, ethane, ethylene, and carbon dioxide in a heavy n-paraffin at temperatures from 100 to 300/degree/C and pressures 10 to 50 atm. Three n-paraffin waxes: n-eicosane (n-C sub 20 ), n-octacosane )n-C sub 28 ), and n-hexatriacontane (n-C sub 36 ), were studied to model the industrial wax. Solubility of synthesis gas mixtures of H sub 2 and CO in n-C sub 28 was also determined at two temperatures (200 and 300/degree/C) for each of three gas compositions (40.01, 50.01, and 66.64 mol%) of hydrogen). Measurements were extended to investigate the gas solubility in two industrial Fischer-Tropsch waxes: Mobilwax and SASOL wax. Observed solubility increases in the order: H sub 2 , CO, CH sub 4 , CO sub 2 , C sub 2 H sub 4 , C sub 2 H sub 6 , at a given temperature pressure, and in the same solvent. Solubility increases with increasing pressure for all the gases. Lighter gases H sub 2 and CO show increased solubility with increasing temperature, while the heavier gases CO sub 2 , ethane, and ethylene show decreased solubility with increasing temperature. The solubility of methane, the intermediate gas, changes little with temperature, and shows a shallow minimum at about 200/degrees/C or somewhat above. Henry's constant and partial molal volume of the gas solute at infinite dilution are determinedfrom the gas solubility data. A correlation is developed from the experimental data in the form on an equation of state. A computer program has been prepared to implement the correlation. 19 refs., 66 figs., 39 tabs. (ERA citation 13:030757) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/70024-T9 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-84PC70024 |