TITLE: Vergleichende experimentelle Untersuchung verschiedener Wirbelbett-Reaktorsysteme im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung fuer die anaerobe Abwasserreinigung. Abschlussbericht. (Comparative experimental investigation of different fluidized-bed reactor systems with regard to their suitability for anaerobic sewage treatment. Final report) AUTHOR: L. Buettgenbach; P. Weiland. INST. AUTHOR: Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirtschaft, Brunswick (Germany, F.R.). SPONSOR: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (Germany). LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], Oct 90, 112p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/A91-02116INW ABSTRACT: Comparative investigations were made of the anaerobic sewage treatment properties of three different fluidized-bed reactor systems, the liquid upflow, bubble column and the gas lift loop reactor. The tests were performed in identical 70 l reactors applying PUR carrier materials. Anaerobic digestion for the case of PUR 3 polymer carriers and synthetic sewage was investigated in the first cycle. The liquid upflow reactor showed the highest CSB digestion rate and biogas productivity. Degradation in the bubble column was between that in the liquid upflow and gas lift loop reactors. Reactor process stabilities against sudden increases of load were found to follow the same order. In a second cycle, degradation was examined for real sewage from the potato starch industry with PUR 4 as the polymer carrier. The liquid upflow reactor load could be doubled due to a stable active-biomass enrichment. The bubble column tests revealed that, given appropriate operation, comparatively good degradation rates may also be achieved by gas-induced fluidized-bed systems. High degradation rates and good process stabilities were found for all of the three fluidized-bed systems. Their applicability is mainly determined by the sewage concentration of suspended solid matter. While liquid upflow and bubble column reactors are only suited for low concentrations of solid matter, gas lift loop reactors are choke-proof systems for sewage containing high concentrations of solid matter. (orig./PW). (Available from TIB Hannover: FR 4755.) (Copyright (c) 1991 by FIZ. Citation no. 91:002116.) CONTRACT NUMBER: DFG WE 1133/1-1/2 |