TITLE: Probe molecule studies: Active species in alcohol synthesis. 7th quarterly report, April 1992--June 1992. AUTHOR: D. G. Blackmond; I. Wender; R. Oukaci; J. Wang. INST. AUTHOR: Pittsburgh Univ., PA. Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jul 92, 12p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE93001274INW ABSTRACT: The goal of this research is to develop a better understanding of the mechanisms of formation of alcohols and other oxygenates from syngas over supported catalysts. Probe molecules will be added in situ during the reaction to help delineate reaction pathways and identify reaction intermediate species. The key of our study is to investigate how the species generated by these probe molecules interact with surface species present during oxygenate formation. (A) Co (5%) /Cu/ZnO/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3) was prepared in order to obtain high rates of ethanol and propanol formation from CO hydrogenation. (B) The effect of CH(sub 3)NO(sub 2) addition to the steady state CO hydrogenation over this Co(5%)/Cu/Zno/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3) was investigated at 500 psi, 290(degrees)C, H(sub 2):CO=2, and 7600 hr(sub (minus)1). A simultaneous suppression of CH(sub 3)OH, C(sub 2)H(sub 5)OH, and 1-C(sub 3)H(sub 7)OH upon CH(sub 3)NO(sub 2) addition was observed along with the formation of (CH(sub 3))(sub 3)N. (C) C(sub 2)H(sub 4) was also added as a probe molecule to the steady state CO hydrogenation over the same catalyst at the same condition. A significant increase in 1-propanol was observed upon C(sub 2)H(sub 4) addition along with an equivalent decrease in methanol and dimethylether. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/90305-T8 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-90PC90305 |