TITLE: Chemical Trapping of CO/H sub 2 Surface Species: Quarterly Report. AUTHOR: D. G. Blackmond; I. Wender. INST. AUTHOR: Pittsburgh Univ., PA. Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jan 87, 7p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE87005181/INW ABSTRACT: The work on the project during the last quarter has focused on the design and construction of a system that will allow us to better investigate how a model organometallic complex may serve as a system analogous to that of the metal catalyst-adsorbate bond. We have also made considerable modifications to the reaction system for performing in-situ trapping reactions concurrent with the catalytic CO + H sub 2 reaction. Positive preliminary results involving chemical trapping of RuY zeolites in situ during CO hydrogenation have led to further exploration of Ru on other supports. The action of the trapping reagent appears to be complex in nature, involving a number of processes in addition to the alkylation of surface-carbon or surface-oxygen bonds. The presence of I in CH sub 3 I suppresses hydrogenation. Large amounts of the reagent effectively poisons the catalyst surface, but very small amounts (<0.1%) may actually enhance hydrogenation. Ru on other supports seems to deactivate much more quickly than RuY zeolite under trapping conditions. The new experimental system for trapping reactions promises to allow us to expand this work greatly to other catalyst systems. 2 figs. (ERA citation 12:015286) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/80526-T6 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-85PC80526 |