TITLE: Reactions of Potassium-Graphite. AUTHOR: D. E. Bergbreiter; J. M. Killough. INST. AUTHOR: Texas A and M Univ College Station Dept of Chemistry. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Defense [DODXA], 1 Nov 77, 35p. ABSTRACT: Graphite readily forms intercalation compounds with both electron donor and electron acceptor molecules in which intercalated molecules are inserted between the planes of the original graphite structure. These intercalation compounds have been used as catalysts and as reagents in a number of reactions and, in addition, possess somewhat unusual physical characteristics such as modified electronic properties and a distinctive solid state structure. Our interest in this class of compounds arose primarily as a result of the unusual chemical and physical properties of alkali metal-graphites such as potassium-graphite. We were specifically intrigued by the catalytic activity of potassium-graphite and the surprising similarity of potassium-graphite to Group VIII metals in reactions like catalytic hydrogenation and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Alkali metal-graphites such as potassium-graphite are presumably related to the polycyclic aromatic radical anions generated in the reduction of coal or heavy oils by strong reducing agents. The reduced species formed in these reactions are presently of interest as intermediates for the derivatization of coal or petroleum tars. (Author) REPORT NUMBER: TR-1 CONTRACT NUMBER: N00014-77-C-0426 |