TITLE: Baseline design/economics for advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology.  Quarterly report, January--March 1993.

INST.  AUTHOR: Bechtel National, Inc., Richland, WA;   Amoco Research Center, Naperville, IL.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  1993,  75p.



The objectives of this study are to: Develop a baseline design and two alternative designs for indirect liquefaction using advanced F-T technology. The baseline design uses Illinois No. 6 Eastern Coal and conventional refining. There is an alternative refining case using ZSM- 5 treatment of the vapor stream from the slurry F-T reactor and an alternative coal case using Western coal from the Powder River Basin.  Prepare the capital and operating costs for the baseline design and the alternatives. Individual plant costs for the alternative cases will be prorated on capacity, wherever possible, from the baseline case, and develop a process flowsheet simulation model. The baseline design, the economic analysis and computer model will be major research planning tools that Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center will use to plan, guide and evaluate its ongoing and future research and commercialization programs relating to indirect coal liquefaction for the manufacture of synthetic liquid fuels from coal. The study has been divided into seven major tasks: Task 1, establish the baseline design and alternatives; Task 2, evaluate baseline and alternative economics; Task 3, develop engineering design criteria; Task 4, develop a process flowsheet simulation (PFS) model; Task 5, perform sensitivity studies using the PFS model; Task 6, document the PFS model and develop a DOE training session on its use; and Task 7, perform project management, technical coordination and other miscellaneous support functions. This report covers work done during the period and consists of four sections: Introduction and summary; Task 1, baseline design and alternatives; Task 4, process flowsheet simulation (PFS) model; and project management and staffing report.