TITLE:    Oxygen Transport Ceramic Membranes

AUTHOR:     Dr. Sukumar Bandopadhyay and Dr. Negendra Nagabhushana

INST.  AUTHOR:     School of Mineral Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks


LANGUAGE:     English

PUB.  TYPE:    Quarterly Report

PUB.  COUNTRY:     United States of America


ABSTRACT:    In this present quarter, oxygen transport perovskite ceramic membranes are evaluated for strength and fracture in oxygen gradient conditions. Oxygen gradients are created in tubular membranes by insulating the inner surface from the reducing environment by platinum foils.  Fracture in these test conditions is observed to have a gradient in trans and inter-granular fracture as opposed to pure trans-granular fracture observed in homogenous conditions.  Fracture gradients are reasoned to be due to oxygen gradient set up in the membrane, variation in stoichiometry across the thickness and due to varying decomposition of the parent perovskite.  The studies are useful in predicting fracture criterion in actual reactor conditions and in understanding the initial evolution of fracture processes.