TITLE: Symposium Proceedings: Environmental Aspects of Fuel Conversion Technology, V (September 1980, St. Louis, MO)

AUTHOR: F. A. Ayer;   N. S. Jones.

INST.  AUTHOR: Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC.

SPONSOR: Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Trianlge Park, NC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Environmental Protection Agency [EPAORD],  Jan 81 ,  665p.


The report documents presentations at the fifth EPA-sponsored symposium on the environmental aspects of fuel conversion technology, in St. Louis, MO, 9/16-19/80. The symposium served as a colloquium on environmental information related to coal gasification, indirect liquefaction, and direct liquefaction. The program included sessions on program approach, environmental assessment, and environmental control, including the development of EPA's pollution control guidance documents.  Process developers and users, research scientists, and State and Federal officials participated in the symposium.

REPORT  NUMBER: EPA 600/9-81-006