TITLE: Symposium Proceedings: Environmental Aspects of Fuel Conversion Technology, III (September 1977, Hollywood, Florida)

AUTHOR: F. A. Ayer;   M. F. Massoglia.

INST.  AUTHOR: Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, N.C.

SPONSOR: Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, N.C.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Environmental Protection Agency [EPAORD],  Apr 78 ,  547p*.


The report covers EPA's third symposium on the environmental aspects of fuel conversion technology. The symposium was conducted in Hollywood, Florida, September 13-16, 1977. Its main objective was to review and discuss environmentally related information in the field of fuel conversion technology. Specific topics were program approach, environmental assessment, and control technology development. (Portions of this document are not fully legible)

REPORT  NUMBER: EPA/600/7 78/063