TITLE: Development of a void fraction meter for measurement of gas holdup at high temperature and pressures: Final report. INST. AUTHOR: Arjay Engineering Ltd., Ottawa (Ontario). SPONSOR: Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology, Ottawa (Ontario). LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Canada SOURCE: Other [$TFCAN], 1993, 136p. NTIS ORDER NO.: MIC-94-03088INW ABSTRACT: Program to further test and optimize the very preliminary design and construct of a capacitance type meter that promises to provide a relatively easy and more commercial way to measure gas holds at severe conditions. A prototype was also to be tested. Tasks involved installing and testing the multi-sensor probe in the 15 cm acrylic bubble column using the Varsol/air system, at a number of gas rates and two liquid rates; redesigning the probe based on the results from Task 1 and constructing a new and more unitized version; testing the new probe design in Varsol/air at several gas velocities and a minimum of two liquid velocities in 15 cm acrylic columns; testing with solids present using glass beads and an iron containing solid; and designing and constructing a probe for application at high pressures and high temperatures. CONTRACT NUMBER: CANMET-23440-9-9155/01-SQ |