TITLE: Kinetic Model Development for Low-Rank Coal Liquefaction: Final Technical Report for the Period March 15, 1983-October 31, 1986.

AUTHOR: R. G. Anthony;   C. V. Philip;   P. Moore.

INST.  AUTHOR: Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Kinetics, Catalysis, and Reaction Engineering Lab.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  Feb 87,  98p.



The primary lesson learned was that the recycle solvents produced after 25 to 40 passes from the UNDERC process development unit (PDU) were exceedingly poor hydrogen donors and thus poor liquefaction solvents.  Water at supercritical conditions in the presence of hydrogen sulfide was a good liquefaction solvent. The distillate yields were greater than those obtained from some experiments using the recycle solvents. The new analytical techniques developed for the analysis of coal-derived liquids by using SEC-GC-MS provide detailed information on chemical species in coal-derived liquids in a reasonably short analysis time. The availability of the data in terms of molecular size distributions and true boiling point diagrams should be of exceptional value to the designer of separation equipment. The SEC-GC-MS technique was fully automated for collecting the fractions from the SEC and analyzing these fractions by GC-MS for identification of components and qualitative analysis of the individual SEC fractions. We are unaware of any other technique that yields as much information on the composition of a coal liquid, and that presents it in such a usable form for the design, simulation and operation of reactors and downstream separation equipment. A major problem in the development of the mathematical model for the upflow tubular liquefaction reactor was the lack of good physical property data, transport property data, and correlations for bubble column reactors. A second problem was the lack of data on the composition of the two phases along the axis of the reactor. New mathematical techniques were developed to minimize the amount of computer time required in the estimation of parameters for the model from the experimental data. The distribution of the liquid and gas phases and the composition of the hydrogen and carbon monoxide in each phase can be predicted by use of equations of state. 36 refs., 12 figs., 4 tabs. (ERA citation 12:034459)