TITLE: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in supercritical fluids. Quarterly technical progress report, 1 April 1994--30 June 1994. AUTHOR: A. Akgerman; D. B. Bukur. INST. AUTHOR: Texas Engineering Experiment Station, College Station. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 28 Jul 94, 7p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE95000415INW ABSTRACT: One objective for this quarter was to continue studies on effective diffusivity measurements to obtain diffusion coefficients of Fischer-Tropsch products in supercritical fluids. Objectives for this quarter on Fischer-Tropsch reaction related studies were: (1) to purchase a new liquid pump for future supercritical experiments; (2) to make further improvements in the on-line GC analysis and reactor assembly; (3) to continue Fischer-Tropsch reaction tests using propane as the supercritical solvent with different reaction conditions and/or operating procedures; and (4) to perform a more detailed analysis of the data collected in run FA-0844. Accomplishments for these tasks are discussed. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/92545-7 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-92PC92545 |