TITLE: Novel reactor configuration for synthesis gas conversion to alcohols. Quarterly report, October 1-December 31, 1989. AUTHOR: A. Akgerman; R. G. Anthony. INST. AUTHOR: Texas A and M Research Foundation, College Station. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1989, 15p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE91006624INW ABSTRACT: Research continued on the conversion of synthesis gas to alcohols and reactor configuration. Objectives for this quarter: the project stated on October 1, 1989 and according to the Task Schedule provided in the original work breakdown schedule, Task I was to be completed in the first quarter and Task II to be started. Task I consisted of construction of the slurry reactor set-up to be used in Task IV for determination of the reactor kinetics and procurement of the parts for automation equipment, separators, computer activated parts etc. for automation of the trickle bed rector and GC equipment. Task II consisted of standardization and automation of GC analysis protocols. 1 fig. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/89787-1 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-89PC89787 |