R.I. 5272

Cost Data for Gasification of Lignite in an Externally Heated Retort - 1956

O. C. Ongstad1/
M. H. Chetrick2/
W. H. Oppelt3/

In the pdf format this document has 21 pages and is 1270kb

Table of Contents

Summary and conclusions 1
Introduction 1
Design of externally heated gasifier 2
Cost of gasifier 4
Material and heat balances 5
Estimate of synthesis gas cost for 50-million-cu. ft./day plant. 6
Bibliography 12
Appendix 13

1/  Chemical engineer, Utilization Section, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

2/  Formerly chemical engineer, Utilization Section, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

3/  Supervisor, Utilizations Section, Bureau of Mines, Region III, Grand Forks, N. Dak.