R. I. 5137

Synthesis of Methane - 1955

Murray Greyson1/
J. J. Demeter2/
M. D. Schlesinger2/
G. E. Johnson2/
James Jonakin3/
J. W. Myers4 5/

 Table of Contents 404kb

Section 1
Summary 1
Introduction 1
General 2
Chemistry and thermodynamics 3
Section 2
Experimental program 17
Experimental procedures 18
Criteria of catalyst and process evaluation 18
Synthesis gas 19
Gas analysis 19
Catalysts:  Preparation and pretreatment 19
Fixed-bed testing 20
Equipment description 20
Operating procedures 23
Results 23
Discussion 26
Fluidized-bed testing 26
Conventional bed 26
Equipment description 26
Operating procedures 29
Section 3
Results of iron-catalyst tests in conventional bed 31
Discussion of iron-catalyst tests in conventional bed 34
Results and discussion of nickel-catalysts tests in conventional bed 38
Multiple-feed bed 40
General 40
Equipment description 40
Operating procedures 43
Results of nickel-catalyst tests in multiple feed bed 46
Discussion of nickel-catalyst tests in multiple-feed bed 49
Conclusions 50

1/  Physical chemist, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa.

2/  Chemical engineer, Bureau of Mines, Bruceton, Pa.

3/  Chemical engineer, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa.

4/  Chief, Combustion Research Section, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa.

5/  In preparing this report the authors were assisted by J. F. Shultz and his staff who handled the fixed-bed testing phase of the work,  F. J. Schoeneweis who prepared catalysts, A. J. Sharkey who made the mass-spectrometer analyses, M. E. Kundick who made chemical analyses of catalysts and products, and Mrs. W. Peebles who made X-ray analyses of catalysts.