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            The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute is doing no work at present on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.  We discussed the current activities of the KWI with Drs. Koch and Ziesecke.  Koch has continued his work on the characterization of Fischer-Tropsch products and most of his results have been published in Brennstoff Chemie.  His most recent article appears in the July issue, page 212.  In discussing isomer distribution in Fischer-Tropsch products, he referred to the article by Weller and Friedel on this subject.  According to their method for predicting isomer distribution, 2% iso-butane would be predicted in the C4 fraction, whereas, the actual product in both large and small scale tests with cobalt catalyst containing 10-11% of iso-butane.  It was Koch’s opinion that Weller and Friedel’s method would give indications but was not a precise method for predicting branching.

            Ziesecke mentioned some of his work on the oxo synthesis using cobalt carbonyl and 1:1 CO to H2 gas at a pressure of 600-700 atmospheres.  Under these conditions methanol gives predominately ethanol.  The fraction of alcohol decreases with with carbon number.

            Ziezecke is planning to extend the work on the iso-synthesis using oxide catalysts at 3,000 atmospheres.  The pilot plant for this work was being erected while we were at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.  We inspected a Hofer compressor that will compress 25 cubic meters (NTP) per hour from 1,000 atmospheres to 3,000 atmospheres which will be the operating pressure of the new plant.

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