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TOM Reel No. 49 Frames 470-523
Ruhrchemie A. G.
Calculations of Gas Utilization and the Course of Synthesis
During the Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide
by otto roelen
of COntents
Part I 667kb pdf
- Introduction to the mathematical method of treatment
- Selection of auxiliary figures and characteristic numbers.
- Explanation of symbols
Part II 2387kb pdf
Computation of Hydrocarbon formation from the Data of Gas Analyses.
- Three basic assumptions in all computations of gas analyses
- Algebraic expression of the three assumptions.
- The two basic stoichiometric equations and their solution.
- Computation of intermediate values.
- Computation of the residual volume from the nitrogen content.
- The n-R equation
- Applicability and range of validity of the relationship between the auxiliary
and intermediate values.
- Calculation of characteristic numbers
- Conversion and consumption ratio
- Formation of methane
- Computation of the pure methane content in the end gas
- Approximate values for factor b
- Determination
of the formation of methane.
- Yield
of higher hydrocarbons
III 574kb pdf
of the Hydrogen-Carbon Monoxide ratios and the Oxygen-Containing groups in the
- Reasons
for extending the evaluations
- The
calculation of the oxygen-containing groups from results of gas analyses.
- Chemical
investigation of the products formed.
- Combustion
- Precision
distillation and chemical analysis.
Part IV 1299kb pdf
Application of the Formulas Derived.
- Evaluation from gas analyses and the syntheses data
- General course of calculations.
- Testing the results
- Testing the basis
- Proof of the formation of carbon dioxide
- Cancellation of errors
- Testing for the errors of computations
- The use of blank forms
- Preliminary computations after the course of the synthesis.
- Uniform use of abbreviation and characteristic numbers.
Appendix 558kb pdf |
Explanation of symbols |
Collection of formulas |