I.C. 7422

Some Observations on German Coal Research and Developments - 1947

Lowry, H.H.
Rose, H.J.

Cover Page 15kb

Table of Contents

Section 1
Introduction 2
Acknowledgement 2
Fuel technology and the Reichsvereinigung Kohle 3
Conclusions 3
Interrogation of Dr. Schwarzkopf 4
Fuel research and technology at Rheinisch-Westfalisches Kohlen Syndikat, Essen 5
Conclusions 5
Support of coal research and technical services 5
Section 2
The laboratory of R.W.K.S. 6
Fuel research and technology, Bergbau-Verein, Essen-Heisingen 8
Conclusions 8
Organization and work of Bergbau-Verein 8
Department for coal refining and utilization 9
Coal cleaning and petrography 9
Briquetting 10
Section 3
Coal carbonization 13
Oxidation of coal 14
Coal-oil mixtures 16
Furnace technique and coal gasification 16
Technical mining department 16
The laboratory of the Gesellsohaft für Kohlentechnik at Dortmund-Eving 17
Coal and coke research, H. Koppers G.m.b.H, Essen 18
Conclusions 18
Report of visit 18
Fuel research activities, the A.G. der Kohlenwertsoff-Verbande Bochum 20
Conclusions 20
Structure 20
Synthesis of toluene 20
Pitch coke and electrode carbon 20
Solvent refining of coal tar 21
Weather-resisting road tar(VFT Wetterteer) 21
Section 4
Sulfuric acid from coal pyrites 22
Filtering Diesel fuel oils 23
Interaction of sulfur compounds and lead tetraethyl 24
Gaseous motor fuels 25
Coal-carbonization research of Carl Otto & Company, G.m.b.H, Dahlhausen, Essen 25
Conclusions 25
Report of visit 26