PATENT 3897. WENDER, i., AND ORCHIN, M. (United States of America, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture). Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds. United States Patent 2,614,107, Oct. 14, 1952. Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953, p. 5,422. R1COR2 (R1=alkyl, aryl, cycloaliphatic, or heterocyclic group, R2=H or similar to R1)is reduced with H2 in the presence of [Co(CO)4]2 (prepared from CO and Co or Co salts) at 150°-300° and under pressure to give alcohols. The presence of double bonds in other than the α, β-position to the carbonyl leads to new carbonyl groups at the double bond by the Oxo reaction. An autoclave containing Co(OAc)2 4 H2O 7, PrCHO 61.2 gm., H2 and CO (1:1) under 3,000 lb. at room temperature was heated 3 hr. to 160°-180°; distillation of the reaction mixture gave 36 gm. BuOH (I). Similarly BzH gives PhCH2OH, which is dehydrated under the reaction conditions to (PhCH2)2O, which is dehydrated under the reaction conditions to (PhCH2)2O, and MeCH:CHCHO yields (I). |