3855.  WAGNER, A. (Braunkohle-Benzin A. G.). [Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.] German Patent 739,569, Oct. 4, 1943; appl. B 178,085, filed Apr. 15, 1937 (Cl. 12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel AA-90, frames 1,433-1,434: PB 70,275; Meyer Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. V, chap. 161, 1949, p. 49; Chem. Abs., vol. 39, 1945, p. 5439.

Tail gases are recycled to regulate the temperature. For this purpose, tail gases that contain an appreciable volume of vaporous, volatile reaction products are used.