3840.  VOORHEES, V. (Standard Oil co. of Indiana). Process of Applying Promoters to Catalyst Particles. United States Patent 2,500,331, Mar. 14, 1950; appl. filed Dec. 5, 1947, Serial No. 790,011; 4 claims (Cl. 252-473). Chem.. Abs., vol. 44, 1950, p. 4655.

Preparation is given for a fluid Fe catalyst containing 0.1-2.5% o an alkali or alkaline earth metal compound as promoter. The Fe catalyst is classified into relatively fine and relatively coarse particles. A dilute solution of the promoter is applied to the fine particles, and a strong solution of the promoter is applied to the coarse particles. The concentration of the solution is correlated with the weight of the Fe particles in direct proportion. The 2 sizes of promoted catalyst are dried separately. The particles recombined to give a mixture 15% smaller than 45 μ, 65% 60-125 μ, 20% 150-300 μ. The mixture is reduced at 600°-900° F. 4 United States patents cited.

See abs. 3356.