PATENT 3743. ----- [TEXACO DEVELOPMENT CORP] Synthesis Gas Containing Hydrogen. British Patent 649,645, Jan. 31, 1951. Chem.. Abs., vol. 45, 1951, p. 5912. Hydrocarbon consisting essentially of CH4 is reacted with O2 in the absence of steam and a catalyst at 1,093°-1,427° in a reaction zone with the ratio of interior surface to volume of about 0.65. The CH4 is preferably preheated to about 649° without cracking and is charged at the rate of 1,000-3,000 cu. ft. per hr. per cu. ft. reaction space. The O2 is separately preheated to about 427° or higher and is charged to the reactor at such a rate that the primary reaction occurs with a substantially nonluminous flame. The products from the reactor consist principally of CO and H2, about 5 mol. % or less H2O less than 2 mol. % CO2, about 5 mol. % CO2 and not over 4-5 mol. % CH4. The gas contains less than 1 gm. suspended C per 1,000 Cu. ft. standard gas. Preferably 95% O2 should be used. |