PATENT 3739. TETER, J. W., AND OLSON, L. E. (Sinclair Refining co.). Amines and Nitriles From Ammonia and Olefins. United States Patent 2,520,181, Aug. 29, 1950. Chem. Abs., vol. 45, 1951, p. 638. Pyrolytic decomposition in the reaction of NH3 and olefins was repressed by the use of an improved catalyst, a mixture of reduced metal oxides containing Co and another metal, especially Ni or Zn, capable of forming spinel-type crystal structures with Co. Diatomaceous earth 540 gm. was suspended in aqueous Na2CO3 910 gm. per gal., the slurry settled, heated to 90°, an equal volume containing 1,275 gm. CoSO4 7H2O and 597 gm. MISO4,6H2O per gal. added, the mixture stirred, filtered dried ground washed calcined 2 hr. at660° F., pelleted with 4% graphite, purged with NH3 reduced with H2, and the Na content adjusted to 1.95% with NaOAc. A gas mixture of 10 mol. NH3 and 1 mol. MeCH:CH2 at 640° F., 1,500p. s. i., and olefin space velocity 0.2 gave 27.8% EtCN. See also United States Patent 2,419,470 (abs. 3736). |