PATENT 3735. TEMKIN, M. I., AND PYZHEV, V. M. [Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis.]. Russian Patent 64,607, Apr. 30, 1945. Chem. Abs., vol. 40, 1946, p. 5216. When Fe oxide catalyst used for H3 synthesis is regenerated in a special apparatus outside the synthesis column, the catalyst becomes pyrophoric, and thereby loses its catalytic activity. To prevent this, the catalyst after regeneration is cooled in a mixture of N2 and H2 and is treated, while cold, with a mixture of N2 and H2 containing a small quantity (for example, 0.1-0.2% by vol.) of O2. When the catalyst is placed in the synthesis apparatus, the passivating film wears off under the influence of N2 and H2 and the temperature within the apparatus. The activity of such catalyst is fully equal to that of a catalyst regenerated within the apparatus. The O2 is best supplied by adding air to the N2-H2 mixture. |