PATENT 3724. SWEETSER, S. B., RUSSELL, F. R., AND BUCKER, E. R. (Standard Oil Development Co.). Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst. United States Patent 2,623,021, Dec. 23, 1952. Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953, p. 2461. An attrition-resistant Fischer-Tropsch catalyst is produced in a 4 stage process, which comprises: (1) Impregnating with an alkali-metal salt promoter a red Fe oxide powder, prepared by precipitating an Fe compound and heating the precipitate to convert it to the oxide; (2) drying the impregnated material, pilling it, and granulating the pills to pass a 40-mesh screen; (3) reducing the Fe oxide in a stream of H2 and continuing the passage of H2 for 3-5 hr. after the temperature rate of the bed has been increased to 677°-871°, the rate of H2 flow being 750-1,500 vol. per vol. catalyst per hr. during the initial part of the sintering period, wherein the Fe is reduced to < 1% O and about 100—200 vol. per vol. catalyst per hr. during the remainder of the periods; and (4) finally cooling the catalyst to obtain a product requiring substantially no grinding. A catalyst prepared in the manner described with use for 451 hr. at 343°-368°and 400 p. s. i. g. pressure, with an H2:CO feed-gas ratio of 1.1 and 12 standard cu. ft. per hr. of H2+CO per lb. catalyst, showed a 65-95% conversion of H2+CO and a disintegration rate of 8 gm. of 0-20 μ material formed per 100 per gm. of material present larger than 20 μ per 100 hr. |