PATENT 3684. ----- [STUDIEN-UND VERWERTUNGS-G. M. B. H.] [Paraffins from Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.] German Patent 731,295, Feb. 5, 1943; German Patent Appl. St 55,126, filed Aug. 2, 1936 (Cl. 12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel AA-88, frames 3,475-3,478; PB 70,273; Ind. chim., vol. 32, 1945, p. 149; Chem. Abs., vol. 38, 1944, p. 633. High yield of solid paraffin is obtained (100-123 gm. per m.3 of gas) by passing a mixture of CO and H2 (1:2) at a temperature < 250° and a pressure 4-20 atm., over a fixed Co catalyst previously impregnated with paraffin and arranged in such a manner that the paraffin formed can be continuously evacuated. |