PATENT 3655. STÖWENER, F. (I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G.). [Catalytic Mass.] German Patent 664,817, Sept. 12, 1938 (Cl. 12 g-4.01). Chem. Abs., vol. 33, vol. 33, 1939, p. 332. A hard, porous adsorptive or catalytic mass is prepared by mixing jellylike or granular precipitates or their dried products, which are virtually free from SiO2, with just enough liquid to form a paste, drying the paste, and working up as an irreversible colloid or mixing with a peptization agent. Thus, an aqueous solution on Ni2(SO4)3 and MgSO4 is treated with a soda solution and the precipitated Ni and Mg compound separated, ground, and made into a paste with H2O. The paste is dried and is used as a contact agent for making CH4 from CO and H2. Gives other examples.