PATENTS 3640. STEWART, M. M., GARRETT, R. C., AND SENSEL, E. E. (The Texas Co.). Method of Effecting Catalytic Reactions Between Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. United States Patent 2,433,072, Dec. 23, 1947; appl. filed Aug. 24, 1943, Serial No. 499,772; 7 claims (Cl. 260-449). Chem. Abs., vol. 42, 1948, p. 2088. Carrier liquid is saturated with gaseous reactant material at a pressure substantially above that of the reaction zone. This saturated liquid mixture is introduced to the reaction zone where, owing to reduction in pressure, gas is released as bubbles from the liquid and the liquid foams. The catalyst may be separately introduced to the reaction zone and dispersed within the foam or may be suspended or dispersed in the carrier liquid before or after it enters the reactor. The carrier liquid may be any liquid that is stable and inert under reaction conditions or may be made up from the reaction products. The method is advantageous in the Fischer-Tropsch process owing to the extensive area of liquid-gas interface provided by the foam. 4 patents and 1 literature ref. are cited. |