PATENT 3630. ----- [STEINSCHLAEGER, M.] Water Gas. United States Patent 2,525,318, Oct. 10, 1950; appl. flied June 21, 1945, Serial No. 600,694, In Great Britain Aug. 11, 1942; 1 Claim (Cl. 48-208). Water gas, synthesis gas, and the like are produced from coal, coke, and liquid and gaseous fuels in equipment of the type used in standard carbureted water gas practice, but with some modifications in operating cycle. A generator is used containing incandescent solid fuel for decomposing steam. For producing water gas from bituminous coal additional regenerators are required for decomposing volatilized-coal constituents. The principal advantages of the method are that the usual uprun is not required and that both blast and make gases are passed through a waste heat boiler for steam generation. |