PATENT 3627. ----- [STEINSCHLAEGER, M.] Production of Gas Mixtures Containing Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. British Patent 575,377, Feb. 15, 1946, appl. filed July 5, 1939. British Abs., I, B, 1946, p. 197; Chem. Abs., vol. 41, 1947, p. 5286. Gas mixture containing H2 and CO in the vol. ratio 2:1, suitable for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, is prepared from coal gas, blue water gas, and a gas containing H2 and CH4 produced by heating in a current of H2 the waxy deposit formed on the Fischer-Tropsch catalyst, by passing the mixed gases over a ThO2 activated Co catalyst at 160°-220°, separating the oily products (97 gm. per m.3 ), converting the residual gas, CO, 18%, H2, 25%, CH4, 35%; CO2+N2, 20%; CnHm, 2%, with steam on a Ni-Mo sulfide catalyst at 800°-900° into 2.2 vol. of synthesis gas containing CO, 24% H2, 64%, CH4, 1; and CO2+N2, 11%, and finally adjusting the H3;CO ratio by adding blue water gas. Coal consumption is low, 3.5 ton per ton of primary products, owing to the complete utilization of the coke and coal gas. |