PATENT 3620. STEINSCHLAEGER, M. Gas Mixtures Containing Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. British Patent 573,923, Dec. 13, 1945; appl. filed May 10, 1940. Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 4835. Gas mixture containing 1.8-2.0 vol. H2 per vol. CO, suitable for use in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, is prepared by heating coke with at least 150%, preferably 200%, of the theoretical amount of steam required for the water-gas reaction, at 900°-1,100°, to produce a gas containing more H2 and CO2 is then removed from the gas, and the residue is mixed with coke-oven gas in such proportion as to produce a gas containing CO and H2 in a proportion suitable for use in the Fischer-Tropsch process. |