PATENTS 3534. ------. [SOCIETA ANON. PRODOTTI ITALIANI SINTETICI.] [Process for Carrying Out Exothermic Reactions.] French Patent 830,289, July 26, 1938, Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 1181. In conducting exothermic gaseous reactions, the temperature of the reacting gases is maintained within the desired limits by passing the gases through the reaction zone in contact with, but countercurrent to, a solid catalyst maintained in suspension in a liquid, which is present in sufficient quantity to absorb the heat liberated during the reaction. When nongaseous reaction products are formed, they are removed from the reaction zone with the catalyst suspension and then separated from the catalyst. The process is applicable to the production of liquid hydrocarbons suitable for use as motor fuel by passing CO and H2 in the ratio of 1:2 parts by volume over a catalyst such as Ni, activated by an oxide of Al, Mn, or Th, at a temperature of 190°-215°. |