PATENT 3519. ----- [STANDARD OIL CO.] (I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G.). [Improving the Antiknock Properties of Motor Fuels.] German Patent Appl. St 59,586, OZ 12,075, filed Mar. 27, 1940 (Cl. 23 b). FIAT Reel 163, frames 1,486-1,495; PB 25,607. Gasolines of aliphatic nature, such as those obtained by reduction of CO with H2, may have their antiknock properties improved by a pressure hydrogenation in the vapor state under pressures of 5-30 atm., temperatures of 450°-550°, a H2 partial pressure of 20-70% of the total pressure but not to exceed 25 atm., and in presence of catalysts containing oxides of metals of group 6 on active silica gel or alumina. suitable proportions of feed are 0.6 m.3 H2 per kg., of raw material and 1 kg. of raw material per 1. of catalyst space per hr. A yield is obtained of 78% gasoline boiling up to 200°, containing 25% aromatic hydrocarbons, 33% of fractions boiling up to 100°, and an octane no. of 65. |