PATENTS 3508. ------. [SOCIETA ANON. PRODOTTI ITALIANI SINTETICI.] Hydrocarbon Synthesis Process. British Patent 630,950, Nov. 9, 1946. British Coal Utilisation and Research Assoc., Monthly Bull., vol. 14, No. 1, p. 22; Chem. Abs., vol. 44, 1950, p. 5081. Improved Fischer synthesis employing an Fe, Ni, or Co catalyst, wherein the feed gases are diluted with steam (1-20 mol. % of total feed) and a portion of the catalyst is led continuously from the synthesis zone to the hydrogenation zone. The temperature is 550°-1,100° F., pressure 100-750 p.s.i. The catalyst is reduced in the presence of H2 and then returned to the synthesis zone. |