PATENTS 3021. ------. [RUHRCHEMIE A. G.] [Process for Dehydrating Alcohols.] German Patent Appl. --, R 552, filed Feb. 12, 1941. FIAT Reel K-20, frames 215-218; PB 70,211. In splitting off the H2O from alcohols by means of ZnCl2 or other similarly acting Zn halogenide, the latter is first dissolved in alcohols or hydrocarbons before being applied. Example: 2,500 cc. of a hydrocarbon fraction b. 80°-360° and obtained by the catalytic hydrogenation of CO are mixed with a solution of 25 gm. of H2O-free ZnCl2 in 100 cc. of 80% amyl alcohol and heated for 6 hr. at 300°. The olefins and H2O are continuously removed by distillation. |