2980. -----.[RUHRCHEMIE, A.G.] [Method of Filling the Converter With Cooling Medium.]  German Patent Appl. R 113,202, R-621, filed June 11, 1942 (Cl. IV b-12 g). FIAT Reel K-30, frames 7,656-7,662; PB 73,587; TOM Reel 177, frames 1,518-1,521, 1,531-1,535; TOM Reel 36, bag 3,454, item 36; Meyer Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. 1, chap. 16, 1948, p. 41.

Cooling medium is a fusible material such as paraffin.

See also German Patent Appl. R 113,200 (abs.2895) and R 113,201 (abs. 2973).