2978. ----- [RUHRCHEMIE, A. G.]  [Method for the Comminution With Little Resulting Abrasion of Threadlike Formed Masses, Especially Catalysts.]  German Patent Appl. R 113,738, R 626, filed Aug. 10, 1942 (Cl. III 50  c).  FIAT Reel K-30, frames 7,641-7,644;  PB 73,587;  TOM Reel 177, frames 1,504-1,508; Meyer Transl. PC—S—II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. 1, chap. 11, 1948, p. 28.

Stringy masses of catalyst material, formed from the moist plastic condition by drying, can be disintegrated very uniformly with little dust formation if the material is thrown by centrifugal force against solid walls.  The apparatus and its operation are described by aid of diagrams.