2949.----- [RUHRCHEMIE, A. G.]  [Knockproof Gasoline.]  German Patent 725,000, June 30, 1942; appl. R 103,969, R 421, filed Jun 22, 1937 (Cl. 23 b-1.04).  FIAT Reel K-20, frames 332-336; PB 70,211; TOM Reel 37, bag 3,451, item 36, 3 pp.; TOM Reel 177, frames 1,565-1,569; Chem. Zentralb., 1943, I, p. 358; Mey Transl. PC—S—II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. 1, chap. 24, 1948, p. 61; Chem. Abs. vol. 37, 1943, p. 6119.

            Products of catalytic hydrogenation of CO are separated into 3 fractions according to the b. p. up to 120° light oil, 120°-210° medium oil, and 210°-316° heavy oil.  The medium oil is cracked at 500°-700° and 2-11 atm. into olefinic hydrocarbons.  The heavy fraction is transformed into aromatic compounds rich in benzene at 500°-700° and 7-15 atm.  The gases evolved in the cracking are combined with the olefinic gases evolved in hydrogenating CO.  The combined gases are  treated with acid and the resulting acid esters are saponified: thus they are transformed into a mixture of alcohols.  By mixing the 3 benzine fractious and the alcohol in proportions of 38.5: 16.5: 28.5: 16.5, respectively, a motor fuel of 75 octane no. is obtained.