2915.----- [RUHRCHEMIE A. G.]  [High-Molecular Fatty Acids.]  French Patent 872,069, May 28, 1942; appl. filed May 10, 1941, in German June 28, and 29, 1940.  Chem. Zentralb., 1942, II, p. 1853.

            Hard paraffins from the CO hydrogenation are oxidized in the molten state by means of sulfuric acid solutions of alkali bichromate or other O2-evolving salts.  Example:  200 gm. of hard paraffins.  95° are oxidized within 4 hr. at 125° with 2,500 gm. of 55% H2SO4 and 250 gm. Na2Cr2O7 in solution.  After drawing off the oxidation solution, the oxidation is repeated 3 times.  The yield is 150 gm. of fatty acids.