PATENTS 2835. ROTTIG, W., GROSS, H. W., ROYEN, P.,AND SCHENK, K. (Ruhrchemie A. G. and Lurgi Gesellschaft für Waermetechnik). Preparation of an Iron Silica-Gel Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst. United States Patent 2,617,774, Nov. 11, 1952; appl. filed Sept. 9, 1950, Serial No. 184,114; 3 claims (Cl. 252-451). Process consists of precipitating a hot solution of Fe nitrate, while intensively stirring, with a hot caustic soda solution in such a manner that the pH value after precipitation is 6.8-7.2. The precipitated mass is washed to a K2O calculated content of no more than 0.5 part by weight of K2O for every 100 parts by weight of Fe content, stirring at first with a small amount of H2O. then converting into a suspension by addition of further amounts of H2O. Enough K-water-glass solution is added to this suspension to give 20-25 parts by weight of SiO2 for every 100 parts by weight of Fe contained in the catalyst. Then enough nitric acid is added to give for the catalyst mass remaining after filtration a K2O; SiO2 ratio of 1: 4-1: 5. The catalyst is dried, molded, and reduced at 260°-300° C. to a point at which the catalyst contains 30-50% of its total Fe content in the form of free Fe. High gas velocity of 1-2 m. per sec. is used during reduction. 3 United States patents cited. Royen, P. See abs. 2835. |