PATENTS 2834. ----- [ROTTIG, W.] (Ruhrchemie A. G.). [Process of Extracting Oxygen Compounds From Hydrocarbon Mixture. United States Patent 2,581,712. Jan. 8, 1952; appl. filed Aug. 8, 1949, Serial No. 109,226; in France, Aug. 12, 1948; 2 claims (Cl. 260-450). Treatment of mixtures of aliphatic hydrocarbons, such as result from the catalytic hydrogenation of CO. for removing the oxygenated compounds is discussed. The mixtures are treated in 2 stages: 1st with polyvalent alcohol such as glycol and then with a mixture of polyvalent alcohol and a low-molecular-weight monovalent alcohol such as MeOH in the proportion of 1:2 parts. This is followed with a water wash to remove any residual alcohols. The extracted oxygenated compounds are separated from the solvent by simple distillation. [ROTTIG, W.] See abs. 1914 |