
2821.   -------- (Ruhrchemie A. G.). [Regenerating Catalysts Used for Synthesizing Benzine.]  German Patent 722,706, July 27, 1942; appl. R 103,714, R 418, filed Nov. 8, 1938 (Cl. 12 o-1.03).  FIAT Reel K-20, frames 326-331; PB 70,211; FIAT Reel AA-89, frames 501-503; PB 70,274; TOM Reel 37, bag 3,451, item 35, 3 pp.; Meyer transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. 4, ch. 138, 1949, p. 28; Chem. Abs. vol. 37, 1943, p. 5574.

Catalysts are cleaned of paraffin, then treated at an elevated temperature with H2.  The H2 is passed at a rate at least of 1,000 cc. per hr. per m.2 cross section.  H2 can be recirculated if the CO and CO2 content is kept <2.5 gm. per m.3 and H2O <1 gm. per m.3